Why MathsHub

MathsHub is an up-and-coming Maths Tutoring Centre based in Glen Waverley, Melbourne. We offer Maths Tutoring for Primary School, Secondary School and VCE Maths Methods and Further Maths.

Proven Results

Our students make significant improvements after joining our programme. We are proud to have a 100% satisfaction rate among our students. Check out our testimonials!

My daughter, Sanika has improved tremendously since joining MathsHub from Year 7. She now aces her Maths Methods SACs with scores over 90%, far exceeding my expectations. I would strongly recommend MathsHub.

Reshmaparent of Sanika, Year 11Glen Waverley Secondary College

My son, Aaron, finally got into the school’s highly sought after Advanced Maths Program two terms since joining MathsHub. I’m really happy with this achievement and am definitely recommending my friends to MathsHub.

Priyaparent of Aaron, Year 2Glen Waverley Primary School

Expert Teachers

We are fortunate to have a team of very talented Mathematics and English teachers, some of whom have won multiple ICAS Medals and Maths Competitions.

Our curriculum director is a current VCE Physics and Mathematics teacher in a private school.

Your child couldn’t be in better hands!

Small Class Sizes

Small class sizes are the cornerstone of our programme. Teachers are able to provide extensive individual attention and no child is left behind.

Personalised Programmes

Every child is different. At MathsHub we continuously assess for and rectify weaknesses and gaps in understanding. With our small class sizes, we are able to target our Maths Tutoring to the particular schools are students are from.

Practice Makes Perfectpencils-1056334-640x480

Targeted practice with feedback is the only way to improve at Mathematics. Homework is provided and checked on a weekly basis. Misconceptions are quickly corrected before they become ingrained as bad habits.

Convenient Location

We are located at Glen Waverley Primary School, walking distance to The Glen.

FREE Assessment

Bring your child in for a FREE Assessment, our expert teachers will assess your child put him/her on a suitable programme. Register for your FREE Assessment today.